Penney Peirce knocks it out of the park again with her latest book Leap of Perception: The Transforming Power of Your Attention.
Leap of Perception is beyond a book on transforming your attention, it is a road map for the new intuition age. A true guide for manifestation.
I honestly did not want this book to end. I savored and enjoyed every aspect of Penney’s new book. The concepts she walks you through are life affirming. Through her acceleration and transformational guidance you learn how to expand your perception, shift your perception, tap into the collective consciousness, change old habits, hone in on your intuitive abilities and practice holographical reality. Discover how to get in the flow, practice unified field attention and manifest the life of your dreams. This isn’t hooey phooey hogwash this is real life tools you can use to transform your life now.
“As the Information Age speeds toward its leap into hyperspace and to the next breakthrough experience, we see that the old physical and mental realities are no longer expansive enough. They’re too slow and antiquated; their methodologies are malfunctioning and failing to produce results. What used to work is now being superseded by a new age — a new reality with new methodologies. As this happens, the old constructs slowly integrate into a larger, more comprehensive context. My term for the emerging, transformed reality is the Intuition Age because unlimited, holistic, direct knowing is its hallmark.” ~ Penney Peirce
As the world vibrates faster and your frequency rises, Leap of Perception is the perfect tool for assisting you in your transformation. Learn how to stay in your home frequency and decipher incoming energy. Is it yours, someone else’s or the collective consciousness? Find out how to tell the difference. Discover how to shift your frequency and get back into your home frequency when you are out of balance. Learn to trust your intuition and inner perceiver to direct you down the path of greater creativity and growth.
“What used to be the future is now your potential self.” ~ Penney Peirce
If you are ready to master the Intuition Age skill of accessing and shaping the unified field – the imaginational realm – to create your reality, then don’t wast anymore time. Grab a copy of Leap of Perception: The Transforming Power of Your Attention today!
Carol Lawrence is the owner of Social Media Help 4 U, a virtual based business that supports authors and businesses based on integrity. Social Media Help 4 U offers conscious business services, providing intuitive and skill based social media management & consulting. Looking for social media assistance to grow your online presence and provide top notch customer service? Have a marketing budget? Look no further. Multiple packages available. Perfect for for the company who knows the value of a marketing budget and needs help putting their company on the social map! Contact her today! Want to learn more about Carol? Check out some of her references here and her packages here.