Never Miss A Tweet From Your Favorite Inspirers On Twitter Again.
Twitter Tip – Are you following hundreds, maybe thousands of people on Twitter? As your twitter presence grows your twitter stream can become quite congested and you might miss your favorite tweets from your top inspirers and influencers. Here is your solution. There is an option on Twitter to receive a notification every time your favorite people tweet.
Here is how to set it up. Go to the homepage of the persons tweets you don’t want to miss on Twitter. For an example we will use my profile. Instructions are a little different for the phone app vs a tablet.
Instructions on an iPad….In the search bar put in @SocialMediaH4U or the name of the person you want to follow – once you follow me you’ll see my picture, bio etc. Below my timeline cover is my number of tweets, how many people I’m following and number of followers I have. To the right you’ll see the tool symbol. Click on it. You’ll see all kinds of options. Click on notifications.
It’s much simpler on the Twitter phone app. Go to the profile of the person you want notifications from and simply click on the star by their name.
Carol Lawrence is the owner of Social Media Help 4 U, a virtual based business that supports authors and businesses based on integrity. Social Media Help 4 U offers conscious business services, providing intuitive and skill based social media management & consulting. Looking for social media assistance to grow your online presence and provide top notch customer service? Have a marketing budget? Look no further. Multiple packages available. Perfect for for the company who knows the value of a marketing budget and needs help putting their company on the social map! Contact her today!
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