When Money, A Love Story: Untangling Your Financial Woes and Creating the Life You Really Want arrived in the mail for me to review, I couldn’t wait to open it.
To be 100% honest I’ve had my own personal struggles with money. Raised in poverty it took awhile to realize money is just energy, a means of exchange. Over the years I’ve worked really hard to manage my money, get out of debt and do what ever it takes to create a life of prosperity. I’ve devoured many books surrounding the subject of money. So you can imagine my eagerness to dive into Kate Northrup’s book Money, A Love Story: Untangle Your Financial Woes and Create the Life You Really Want.
If you are ready for a reality check on how you really feel about the all mighty dollar. Money, A Love Story is the book for you!
Kate guides you through a process that entails examining your beliefs about money, how to create a budget, and explore ideas you can use to create financial freedom. Not only does Kate provide A Money Love Quiz to get you started, she also gives you exercises to help you get to the bottom of your financial blocks along with tips on how to restructure your thinking around money. Each chapter includes step-by-step exercises to assist you on your financial journey. The last chapter is a gem. Kate shares with you financial freedom ideas for creating passive, residual and reoccurring income. Perfect for the budding entrepreneur!
Money, A Love Story: Untangling Your Financial Woes and Creating the Life You Really Want, And Living Your Purpose is a refreshing read full of honesty, hope & love. ~ Carol Lawrence SocialMediaHelp4u.com
Money: A Love Story Book Trailer
Find out more about Money: A Love Story today!
What does your relationship with money say about you? Take Kate’s quiz and find out!
Carol Lawrence is the owner of Social Media Help 4 U, a virtual based business that supports authors and businesses based on integrity. Social Media Help 4 U offers conscious business services, providing intuitive and skill based social media management & consulting. Looking for social media assistance to grow your online presence and provide top notch customer service? Have a marketing budget? Look no further. Multiple packages available. Perfect for for the company who knows the value of a marketing budget and needs help putting their company on the social map! Contact her today! Want to learn more about Carol? Check out some of her references here and her packages here.