Kate Northrup has a video series she shares on Friday’s about financial freedom. They are fun and informative. If you are familiar with my blog then you may remember my review a few weeks ago about her new book Money: A Love Story: Untangle Your Financial Woes and Create the Life You Really Want.
Whether you are just starting a new business or expanding an existing business, examining your beliefs surrounding money are imperative. If you are consistently in feast or famine mode you most likely have some limiting beliefs still holding you back. I know it’s not always easy tackling your beliefs around money but I can tell you from experience once you break through self-imposed restraints life feels and flows so much better. Achieving your goals becomes easier and let’s be honest, money is not the most important thing in the world but it sure does make it easier. Being able to help others in need, provide shelter and clothing for your children, eat out at a nice restaurant and take a much needed vacation makes for a better way of life. It feels good. When you can move away from surviving to thriving your creativity begins to flow.
Here’s a look at one of Kate’s recent videos.
The Secret To Having It All.
Read my review to learn all about Kate’s new book. Kick start your road to financial bliss today!
Money A Love Story. ~ Review By Carol Lawrence
If you want to skip my review head straight over to Amazon to purchase Kate’s new book
Money, A Love Story: Untangle Your Financial Woes and Create the Life You Really Want