I love surrounding myself with information that helps me build my business mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. I received a newsletter from Social Media Examiner sharing a podcast with Ekaterina Walter about how having a purpose can help drive the success of your business. She talks about how Mark Zuckerburg has grown his empire. One of the cool tips interviewer Mike Stelzner gives you at the beginning of the show is how you can get cool background music for your creative projects.
Check out The Music Bakery to find music you can use on your podcasts. Prices start as low as $29.00. Royalty free sound effects are as low as $1.98 each. I have no affiliate connection with The Music Bakery i just wanted to share this really cool tip with you.
If you know of other places to gather music for podcasts and creative projects please share. By the way the podcast is great! Surround yourself with mentors that give you ideas on how to grow the best business you can possibly create.
Have a wonderful weekend!
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