One of the most important services offered to senior citizens is that of an adult daycare center. The reality is that a lot of elderly people struggle to take care of themselves as they age and health issues arise. Even for an elderly person without any current health issues, a slip and fall can be potentially devastating. Having an in-home caregiver or a family member to always be with isn’t particularly practical either. This is where adult daycare becomes a great resource, but how are people going to know about it? There are specific ways that you’ll need to promote and market your business to make sure that people want to use your services.
Utilize Excellent Marketing Tactics
The first thing that you need to do is to understand who your target audience is. If the audience is for the elderly and their adult children, you need to understand that and target your marketing to fit their needs. For instance, this may not be something you’d advertise on social media, but ads in the newspaper could still be very effective. By using these tactics to fit your target audience, you will be able to reach who needs your services most of all.
Emphasize Safety and Access to Help
The main reason why someone is going to be using an adult daycare’s services is that it offers someone a place where they can be safe and have quick access to help when necessary. So, make sure to emphasize that point. The average daycare facility holds 40 individuals with a 6:1 staffing-to-patient ratio. Use this knowledge to make sure that potential new clients feel they can trust you and your dedicated staff.
Highlight Integration of Movement
Finding a way to stay active and work out is important. For adults aged 18 to 64, it’s important to get 75 minutes of vigorous and 150 minutes of moderate exercise every single week. This is something offered by a great adult take care center, which is a vital service for someone who’s aging. It keeps a person healthier and less likely to suffer from health issues. So, emphasize and promote your adult daycare based on the different ways you can integrate movement and exercise into your clients’ daily routines.
Point Out the Increasing Need for Caregivers
It’s important to point out that there is an ever-growing need for caregivers, in particular caregivers for the elderly. This, along with your potential customers’ need for caregivers themselves, will show that you’re a great option for their needs going forward. As the U.S. population grows by more than 10% from 2018-2033, that demand is only going to increase. The simple reality is that people are living longer lives and need care.
Hold Open Houses for Interested Families
One of the best ways to promote a business like an adult daycare is by running an open house for interested families. This will show off your facilities in a way that other forms of advertisement cannot. It will also make potential clients more comfortable choosing your services knowing what the physical setting is like.
There are a lot of challenges to growing older. At times, this may mean needing quick access to medical care or having a live-in nurse or caretaker at your home. An adult daycare facility fits these roles while offering a chance to stay social and active in one’s community. So, make sure to clearly promote your facility so that everyone who may need your business’ services fully understands what you offer.
Devin is a writer and an avid reader. When she isn’t lost in a book or writing, she’s busy in the kitchen trying to perfect her slow cooker recipes. You can find her poetry published in The Adirondack Review and Cartridge Lit.