(Photo credit: Your MultiDimensional YOU Workbook.)
Before you can do a KDP launch in Kindle, you must have four to six 5 and/or 4 star reviews. Otherwise, some of the announcement sites for KDP launches won’t share your promotion with their audience. You’ll also want them for more sales. So assuming you’ve written a great ebook, there are several ways to get them:
- Use Amazon Reviewers
- Ask colleagues and joint venture partners
- Ask your best customers
- Ask your subscribers
- Ask your followers in social media
Amazon reviews are the top reviewers in Amazon. They are known for writing unbiased and well-written reviews that can help you make sales and gain loyal customers. Amazon reviewer’s reviews are generally the top ones and it will say so on the review, so people know it’s a review they can trust.
You’ll have to send 100-200 queries generally to get 20 or 30 reviews. So, if you want Amazon Reviewer reviews from the get go, you’ll want to send to send out promotional copies, preferably, before your book is finished. (You can do this by getting a draft of your book into Amazon for pre-orders.)
You can also ask colleagues for reviews of your book. I find that the best ones to ask are those people who are going to help you promote your KDP launch because they would not agree to help you if they didn’t believe in your project so they will generally write good reviews! (This is a good reason to use JV’s for your promotion!)
Next, I would ask your best customers- if you have them. Again, these are people who love what you do and want to support you, so they will generally write good reviews as well.
After that, I would ask subscribers and followers in social media. The reason I put these at the bottom of the list is because you don’t necessarily have a close relationship with these people and so you are more apt to get some negative reviews from this list.
The truth is that some people have a big ego and like to think they know more than you, others just don’t want to see you succeed because they are jealous, so they relish writing negative reviews and bring you down. And I have found that these generally come from your subscriber list or followers who don’t have a close relationship with you and aren’t your loyal customers.
How you get reviews is up to you, but if you want to stack the deck in your favor, go to your joint-venture partners and best customers first. Once your book is live and you do your launch anyone can write a review. But, to get you started you want the best reviews you can get and this is the best way to get them.
Ellen Violette, a leading eBook/Digital publishing/Online Business Coach,teaches people how to create a unique message and an irresistible brand using 72-hour ebooks and low-tech easy-to-implement system, tools, and strategies for high-income potential! Get her FREE Special Report “How to Create a Kindle Best-Seller with or without a Website!”, 9 FREE secret ebook tips to making money online & a complimentary subscription to the eBook Profit Secrets Newsletter ($147 value) at www.theebookcoach.com
My favorite book by Ellen is How to Make Money Writing Quick Non-Fiction eBooks…Guaranteed!