One of my mentors online is Cassie Howard. If you are longing to learn how to manifest your desires and grow your business you need to learn her D.A.D.A. formula.
In Cassie’s own words…..
“A proven formula that WORKS!
DECIDING: Obviously! This is how the magic starts; by simply making a decision around what it is you want. Believe it or not, this is actually the hardest step and why most people can’t seem to get past this one.
ASKING: Yes, there is a process for ASKING for what you want! If you don’t know what it is, you’ll continue spinning your wheels trying to get what you want, but never actually receiving it. When you know how to ask THE RIGHT WAY, you’ll get what you want so much easier (and faster!).
DECLARING: Just deciding and acting isn’t enough. Once you’ve done those 2 things in the proper way, you then need to move on to declaring it as done. This is something that requires SKILL, and it’s a skill that 99% of people don’t have, a skill you must LEARN. If you skip this step, you won’t get what you want, plain and simple. This one simple process and skill is your key to wealth, in EVERY area of your life.
ACTING: Although the majority of “work” involved in getting what you want will be taken care of by you just doing the mindset work around it, you will also need to employ some ACTION into it. What I mean by this is that you need to know the process of doing the aligned work that actually WORKS and gets you results. I’ll teach you that, too.” Learn more about Cassie at
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Learn more about Carol Lawrence and her Social Media & PR Services Here!
Carol Lawrence is a professional blogger, social media manager/coach and PR strategist.She runs two websites & blogs including Social Media Help 4 U and Intentional Conscious Parenting. Carol has been amplifying her client’s brands for over 8 years. She helps heart-based authors, speakers, and coaches share their message with their desired audience around the world.
Visit her website or purchase her book Working From Home As A Virtual Assistant: Real opportunities for people who are serious about working from home, available on Amazon today.