Article first published as A Conversation With Intuitive Life And Business Designer Maureen Simon on Technorati.
I recently sat down with Maureen Simon to talk about her book, Awakening The Essential Feminine Claiming Your Influential Power and The Essential Feminine Company.
Maureen Simon is founder of The Essential Feminine Company™ (TEF)-a lifestyle and business design company that supports women to create successful powerful lives that incorporates their feminine attributes and gifts. The company provides learning environments and products that support women in claiming, living and leading with their natural strengths and talents. TEF believes that it is now time for women step forward and makes a major contribution in the world.
Maureen has worked with women representing a wide range of businesses including Fortune 100 corporations, worldwide entertainment and media industries, government, and the creative arts. She mentors both Fortune 100 executives as well as leading edge business entrepreneurs. She is founding member of the Global Women’s Leadership Network at Santa Clara University’s Leavey School of Business in Silicon Valley. She is a graduate of the State University of New York and has studied community organization, human services and public policy. Maureen’s work has been featured in numerous printed publications, including London’s Vogue, Marie Claire, Self, Women & Home, Good Housekeeping, Bay Area Business Women, Marin Independent Journal, The Financial Times, and many others.
Carol Lawrence: Maureen, what inspired you to write Awakening The Essential Feminine Claiming Your Influential Power?
Maureen Simon: The need to bring the 26 attributes together in one place so that women can learn them, claim them, live and lead with them. The research took a year and half and the writing took a year. Women hold strong feminine attributes and are pre-disposed to the feminine because of our socialization and biology “brain and hormonal.” When the world is in the state she’s in it’s because the feminine is not known or respected at the world’s tables where decisions are being made. I felt a need to identify the attributes so that she could begin to step forward and contribute in the world. She lives in all women.
Carol Lawrence: What is the essential feminine?
Maureen Simon: The essential feminine is an essential nature that holds twenty-six attributes that when learned and claimed will change the world as we now know it. They include care, compassion and relationship building, advanced intuition, right use of power and verbal agility.
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