Have You Changed Your Twitter Settings To Take Advantage Of Twitters New Algorithm?
Have you heard the news? Twitter is shaking things up by adding their own Algorithm. I know some people are freaking out but it’s not that bad. No matter how they feed you the tweets, if you want to grow your business on Twitter you are going to have to follow people back, retweet great content, Tweet original content and engage! Otherwise Twitter peeps will barely have a clue you even exist. Instead of going into a long post of on how this new change effects your Twitter feed and how you can change your settings I decided to share this very insightful video by Steve Dotto. He always makes me smile. His videos are fantastic. If you haven’t already I highly recommend subscribing to his Youtube Channel.
Enjoy the video and let me know what you think!
Twitter’s New Timeline Algorithm – The What, Why, & How By Dotto Tech – Follow Steve on Twitter.
Follow Carol ~ Social Media Help 4 U on Twitter.
Carol Lawrence is the owner of Social Media Help 4 U, a virtual based business that supports authors and businesses based on integrity. Social Media Help 4 U offers conscious business services, providing intuitive and skill based social media management & consulting. Looking for social media assistance to grow your online presence and provide top notch customer service? Have a marketing budget? Look no further. Multiple packages available. Perfect for for the company who knows the value of a marketing budget and needs help putting their company on the social map! Contact her today!
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