3 Ways to Involve Charity in Your Social Media Marketing


Contributing to the world through charity is a noble way to help others. Did you know that your company can give back through social media marketing? By utilizing clever and researched techniques, you can give back to causes that need more attention or to a cause that means something to you.

Social Media Makes it Easy to Give Back to Meaningful Causes

There are many charitable causes you can give back to through social media marketing. When it comes to giving back, it may be best to focus on bringing awareness to a situation that either individuals need to pay more attention to or to something that matters most to you.

Bringing awareness to an issue that isn’t getting enough press is sometimes the best charitable thing to do. There are a lot of issues in the world right now that are sometimes overshadowed by more sensational or in-the-now stories. A great example of giving back through social media marketing is speaking about issues such as motor vehicle accidents in the US alone. There is an average of 5,891,000 automobile accidents every year. This staggering number results in the many injuries and deaths of motorists all over the US. Bringing awareness to this unfortunate fact could help victims and future victims of motor accidents.

Bringing awareness to problems can force action and bring forth remedies for these issues. These resolutions can be found in legislation, change in actions, and avoidance. You can start a movement just by sharing your content and using social media marketing tools to bring these problems to people’s attention.

SEO is a Powerful Tool for Bringing Awareness

To bring awareness to issues via social media marketing, you will need to use the right tools. Strategically using SEO to optimize your marketing and get it in front of more people can benefit your charitable cause even more. Did you know that SEO drives more traffic than organic social media marketing by 1,000%? This is due to how SEO works.

SEO stands for search engine optimization. The key to search engine optimization is research and implementation. Search engines use keywords, and other factors in the algorithm to determine whether the content is suitable for the searched subject. This is especially true with search engines such as Google. Social media platforms have their own search engine, like the one that can be found near the top of the page on YouTube.

Video Marketing Can Garner more Traffic to Your Cause

Another social media marketing tactic you should use is video. Over 60% of businesses use some form of video as a marketing tool and for good reason. Over 90% of marketers have said that video marketing has increased their traffic, with over 80 percent of businesses using video as a marketing tool by 2020, only to increase each year. New social media apps such as TikTok and Instagram Reels make it even easier to incorporate video marketing into your social media marketing campaigns.

The more interesting and dynamic your marketing is the more traffic you will get, and the more eyes will be on your charitable efforts. The more people that can see what your offering can act. This is especially true for charity. Many celebrities and influencers often use social media marketing to bring awareness and essentially change to a cause.

The Bigger Picture

Social media in itself is a powerful marketing tool. Knowing how to use it for marketing can grow a companies traffic tenfold. If you are looking to give back via social media, it is best to focus your energy on bringing awareness and implementing social media marketing techniques to increase traffic and increase chances for change.

Devin is a writer and an avid reader. When she isn’t lost in a book or writing, she’s busy in the kitchen trying to perfect her slow cooker recipes. You can find her poetry published in The Adirondack Review and Cartridge Lit.