I recently created and submitted several press releases to drum up some attention for my Social Media Help 4 U business. One of the problems I ran into at first was figuring out where to submit my press releases. With some help from my virtual assistant Laura we came up with a complete list. You will need to create an account for each service. Many of these services allow you to create a business profile. I highly recommend filling in all the details for more business exposure. Free submissions usually include ads and limit the ability to add a photo or logo. (Update: I’ve added one more. So you now have 22 options to pick from. Have fun!)
Below this list you will see three completely different press release examples.
Press Release Submission sites.
Paid services usually provide better placement and more options. Each site varies.
http://www.myprgenie.com Free – $500 per month.
http://prweb.com $99.00 – $499.00
http://www.prlog.org/ Free – $349.00 per year.
http://24-7pressrelease.com/ $49 – $389
http://www.1888pressrelease.com/ Free – $249.00
http://www.clickpress.com Free – $100.00
http://ecommwire.com/ Free – I’m not sure if they were having a glitch, but the create account would never load for me.
TravelPRNews.com For travel related news.
Free-Press-Release-Center.info Account sign up on the left side of the page. Upgrade is only $2.99.
I-Newswire.com Free
NewswireToday.com You must have a corporate website to submit a press release at News Wire Today.
PR.com $99.00 – $499.00
http://www.pressabout.com/ $9.00 – $399.00
http://www.pr9.net/ Note: This site requires a credit card be added even if you are not upgrading.
http://www.pr-inside.com/ Free
http://www.pressmethod.com/ Free
PRBuzz.com $299.00 per year.
http://prurgent.com Free – $9.95 & $25.00
http://www.top-best-news.com Free or be seen on the front page for $5.00
http://www.prleap.com $79 – $239 per month.
http://www.theopenpress.com $80 – $1352
http://www.ereleases.com/ $249.00 – $499.00
I strongly recommend reading: Beginner’s Guide to Writing Powerful Press Releases: Secrets the Pros Use to Command Media Attention
Here are example press releases from three completely different companies including mine.
1. My Social Media Help 4 U press release on Myprgenie.
2. Plan for the Holiday Season with a Christmas Display from Christmas Night Inc. http://www.prweb.com/releases/2013/9/prweb11131295.htm
3. Transformation Energetics, Ltd. offers Free Webinar on Understanding the Unseen Realms.