11 Secrets to Kindle (and Amazon) Best-Seller Success(Part 1)
After working with many clients, and doing research of my own, I’ve identified 11 parameters you must master to have a Kindle best seller. In this week’s newsletter, I will reveal 6 of them and next week I’ll reveal the remaining 5.
- Title/chapter headings. According to Jay Conrad Levinson, father of Guerrilla Marketing, half of your success is attributable to your title. If your audience doesn’t connect emotionally to it, and see the benefit of it in their lives, they aren’t going to give it a second look, let alone purchase it! So, it is imperative that you write a title that gets their attention and tells them why they should want to read it.Once you’ve got their attention, and if they like the cover (which will cover next) they will probably look inside at your Table of Contents. And again, if they aren’t wowed by what’s inside, they will move on. So you also have to give careful thought to your chapter headings. Make sure your chapters cover what you said you would cover in the ebook, and that they capture the attention of your audience.
- eBook Cover. After your audience sees the title, they will look at the ebook cover. If the ebook cover is messy looking, hard to read, too dark, or just plain boring, they will go to the next one. You have to have a professional-looking cover that captures the essence of what your book or ebook is about, It has to be appealing to the eye. And it has to make the reader want to take the next step and look inside)
- Price to Pages Ratio. If you write a short ebook (approximately up to 50 pages) that you plan to sell, you’ll want to price it from .99 to $4.99 tops. If you go any higher, it won’t sell. On the other hand, if you write a longer ebook, you can price it up to $9.99 and it may still sell. (It depends on the category which will discuss in next week’s newsletter.)
- Relevance & Popularity. Once you know what the relevant keywords and phrases are that you want to research in Kindle and Amazon (you’ll find them by doing a Google Keyword Tool search at www.googlekeywordtool.com, then click on the “Adwords” hyperlink in the middle of the page) you have to see if they are POPULAR terms. Because you want to know if each keyword or phrase is actually selling. If it’s not relevant AND popular then find another one that is!
- Who is the Author? This matters! If you’re trying to decide if ebooks or books in your niche and/or category are selling and only ones by big-name authors are, it tells you that you have to do some SERIOUS marketing to compete right out of the gate; and it’s going to be a lot harder to get noticed. If you’re up for the challenge, great! But, if not, you might want to pick another topic and/or angle.
- Book Description. The book description is your sales letter on Kindle and Amazon, so make it compelling and easy to read. A wall of text will send your potential buyers running for the hills so be sure to format it correctly. You can also add back-cover copy here, a short interview, or anything else that you think will help sell your audience on your ebook.If you want to have a Kindle or Amazon best-seller, you need to pay attention to every one of these secrets that I am revealing in this two-part article. Drop the ball at any point along the way and you have a good chance of losing the sale. Be sure to check back next week for the final 6 secrets!
“eBook/Self-Publishing/Internet coach, Ellen Violette, teaches people how to create a unique message and an irresistible brand through easy-t0-create 72-hour ebooks, and Internet-marketing strategies. Get her FREE Special Report “9 Deadly Mistakes to Avoid for Outrageous eBook Profits” at www.theebookcoach.com