What Reid Tracy, CEO of Hay House has to say about building a writer’s platform.


Reid Tracy, CEO of Hay House has written a brief note on Facebook explaining how to get your book proposal noticed by a publisher.

His five tips:
#1 Platform
#2 Platform
#3 Platform
#4 Platform
#5 Platform.

Do you think you need a platform? Absolutely.

You have to begin somewhere. If you are unsure of what a writer’s platform consists of or how to get started be sure to read my article and get started creating your author platform today.

You can read Reid Tracy’s full note about getting noticed by a publisher here.

Reid also wrote another short note I wanted to share with you.

Will you give what it takes to become an author?

There’s nothing easy about becoming a published author. Writing for a novel or a blog takes time and commitment. Create a plan, stay focused and your dreams will come true.

“Publishers see this more often than they want to:  Authors who get publishing contracts, but expect everyone else to be responsible for their success.

Being a successful business leader and author means being someone who makes things happen. Successful business leaders and authors don’t make excuses about why they weren’t successful. They just keep trying until they are.” ~ Reid Tracy

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3 Responses

  1. […] I had the pleasure of listening to a recorded interview with Reid Tracy, CEO of Hay House. When asked, “How do you pick a book for your publishing […]

  2. Angel Card Readings by Eric

    Sounds like the platform is important! 🙂

    • Carol Lawrence

      Hello Eric, platforms are very important. Thanks so much for stopping by and for taking time to leave a comment.