From time to time I like to share with you inspiring interviews from authors. I’ve been looking forward to this interview with Ellen Violette. I believe you will walk away from reading this interview with inspiration to get busy writing your own best seller. Read carefully. Ellen provides you some very useful tips! Ellen Violette is well known as the eBook Coach. She has helped many authors realize their dream of becoming a published author.
Carol: Ellen, how did you become known as the eBook Coach?
Ellen: I was a Grammy-nominated songwriter and a producer, winning a lot of awards, but not making much money. My parents were supporting my husband and me. We built a world-class recording studio in the house I grew up in and we had a blast.
But, then the Northridge earthquake hit and our house was severely damaged. We lived close to where the Santa Monica Freeway collapsed. Then, my parents both passed away within 11 months of each other and we were left with the damaged house. And that was the only potential equity in their estate-if we fixed it up.
So we spent a year doing that. We sold it, made good money, and came down to San Diego just as the real- estate market was taking off her. Since we did so well on my parent’s house and we enjoyed the process, we started buying, fixing, and selling houses. But, then the market got too hot and there was nothing to buy; all the investment money dried up too.
So, we took a property management job back in Los Angeles and I got online. I’d always wanted to write books but I hated the idea of having to write a book proposal and wait for someone to give me permission to publish. I had done that for 20 years in music and I was so over it.
Then, I found eBooks, and loved the idea that I could get directly to my audience and nobody could stop me! It was totally liberating and I just knew it was the right path for me. So, I wrote my first ebook from an ebook and it was extremely frustrating, so I went looking for an eBook Coach, but there weren’t any so I decided to become one. In fact, I was the very first eBook Coach, and several of the coaches out there have created their programs from mine.
But, since I was the first, I often refer to myself as the Original eBook Coach. And I’ve been blessed.
I decided I could create a better program than anything out there so I created my 3 Days to eBook Cash Authoring Program. I then created my eBook Profit Marketing Secrets Program and my business took off immediately.
I made over $13,000 in the first 6 weeks and a 6-figure income on 2 ½ years. I now have clients who are making a high-6 or 7-figure income and doing it in less time than it took me because they don’t have to make all the mistakes I made. And, I’ve streamlined my processes even more over the years. Also, many of my clients have become Amazon best-selling authors which is very rewarding for me!
Carol: What is the name of the first book you ever wrote? How long did it take you to write it?
Ellen: The first book I wrote was The Moving Cure, How to Organize Your Move to Save Time, Money, & Your Sanity. It’s now called Help! This Move is Driving Me Crazy! How to Organize Your Move to Save Time, Money, & Your Sanity. It took me about 4 months to write and two years before I made a single sale with it. I did everything wrong!
Carol: How important do you think it is for a new author to have a support team such as a coach?
Ellen: I think it’s vitally important to have a coach and a support team. You can’t just write an ebook and expect it to be a best-seller or make a lot of money on Amazon. You have to know how to write a title specifically for Amazon so it shows up on the first page of your category, which is where most of the sales are made. You have to pick the right categories. And you have to know how to optimize your Kindle page, otherwise it’s impossible to make it a profitable best-seller. This is knowledge that can be learned. But, unless you are in the trenches studying this stuff on a regular basis, you wouldn’t know how to do it on your own. That’s why most authors fail. They don’t get the education they need to make it work.
Carol: How important do you think social media has been in helping you grow your platform and get the word out about your books and services?
Ellen: I think social media is vitally important but not in the way most people think. It’s great for finding joint venture partners and affiliates not clients.
When you are looking to sell eBooks, products, and services, you want to leverage other people’s lists –ones’ that are targeting the same people you want to reach. This is the fastest way to make a lot of sales without spending money on advertising.
Carol: You have a pretty active Facebook page. What is your best tip for getting in front of your desired audience on Facebook?
Ellen: Give great information. Be helpful. Be yourself. Build relationships. Don’t do a lot of selling.
Carol: How long does it typically take you to write a book? Do you set aside writing time or write when you feel inspired?
Ellen: It really depends on how I’m writing it. If I do a webinar and I have it transcribed, and then add material to it, it can take just a few hours. Or, if I do a series of interviews and compile them, like I did with Real Easy eBooks, 8 Ways to Write or Repurpose Content into a Profitable eBook! It’s just a few days. Or, if it’s a subject I know really well it doesn’t take long. But, if it’s something new, it’s going to be a more involved process.
I’m always inspired but finding the time is another matter. So I do have to decide that I’m going to write an ebook, and then make the time in my schedule to do it.
Carol: On your website The E-Book Coach you offer a lot of services. Can you share a few of your most popular services?
Ellen: One that is really popular and that I suggest people start with is the Crushing Kindle Coaching Session because this is where we figure out what the best keywords and phrases are that will help you figure out the best topic and how to approach it as well as how to write your title.
Most people wait until after they write the ebook to work on the title. But, if you do this first, you have a much better chance for success.
Other popular services include my 3 Days to eBook Cash Authoring Workshop which teaches people my secret formula for writing profitable best-selling eBooks in 3 days or less, Best-Seller eBook Launch Secrets which is my 3-phase blueprint for making your ebook a profitable best-seller following what I did to take my book, How to Make Money Writing Quick Non-Fiction eBooks….Guaranteed! to take it to #1 in two categories, and Rich Author’s Roadmap to Success which gives you a complete step-by-step blueprint to follow from building your foundation, mastering social media, writing a book, launching it, repurposing it into a funnel of products, and turning it into a 6 or 7-figure coaching program! There’s too much guesswork online. This program eliminates it for authors.
I also have a brand new program we are just rolling out-Fast-Track Writing for Success. I created this program because too many authors don’t know how to write great copy to market their eBooks once they’ve written them! This is a learned skill and just as important, so I wanted to provide them with this critical information.
Carol: What is the biggest mistake you see new authors making?
Ellen: As I mentioned earlier, the biggest mistake is not doing the research and setting themselves up for success BEFORE they start writing.
If you write an ebook without knowing what the best keywords and phrases are, what topic to choose, how to approach it, and you don’t have a great title, you’re at a huge disadvantage and setting yourself up for failure and yet that’s exactly what most authors do.
Carol: What would you say to the person who dreams about becoming a best selling author but doesn’t know where to begin?
Ellen: I’d say to the person who dreams about becoming a best-selling author but doesn’t know where to begin: Get on my mailing list at Read my blog posts at Like me at:
Get in the conversation! It doesn’t cost you anything.
And if you are ready to jump in, go to and schedule a Best-Seller Book Publishing Consultation and we can go over your options and create a get-it-done plan for you!
Carol: Do you have a favorite book you recommend for learning about writing or marketing a book?
Ellen: Yes, it’s How to Make Money Writing Quick Non-Fiction eBooks…Guaranteed! It’s available on Amazon and it walks you through the process that I have taught hundreds of people around the world and it’s a PROVEN system that really works!
Ellen, thanks so much for joining me and my readers and sharing your wealth of knowledge. You are a true inspiration to us in the writing world.
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Carol Lawrence is the owner of Social Media Help 4 U, a virtual based business that supports authors and businesses based on integrity. Social Media Help 4 U offers conscious based business services, providing intuitive and skill based social media management, product reviews & consulting. Carol and her team manage social media accounts for busy business owners, authors and entrepreneurs. They assist their clients in building their online presence, engagement and connections with like minded people, customers and clients. They are fully aware that their clients online reputation is at stake. With the values of integrity, honesty and dependability being their top priority. Carol enjoys writing, the outdoors, having fun with her family & friends and interviewing movers & shakers in the writing world.