Receiving Reoccurring Messages

Maybe you’re receiving a guided message to create something specifically because what you bring to life can have an impact on others.


Hi there, thanks for stopping by my blog.

I’m here to remind you that you are so much more powerful than you may think.

Are you receiving reoccurring nudges? I’m not talking about messages our analytical brains like to hash out and rationalize. I’m speaking of reoccurring messages.
If you are, I want to encourage you to listen to them, make notes with dates and ask your inner guidance system to guide you on what steps you need to take next.

Going Within For Your Answers

I’m hearing from colleagues and clients that they are receiving all kinds of reoccurring nudges.

Here are just a few examples:
buy land
stock up
grow a garden
diversify money streams
create more like minded connections
build a support system
reach out to loved ones
limit screen time

Whatever it is, please listen to it.
Maybe you’re receiving a guided message to create something specifically because what you bring to life can have an impact on others.

Here’s some of the recurring messages I’ve received this past year:
get back to your roots
connect more with the heartbeat of the planet
Start bartering more
create my courses and card decks

I went through a huge phase of home projects.

As I tune in and listen, my body usually confirms the most pressing nudges.

Here are a few tips on deciphering your intuitive nudges.

A message keeps coming to you through your dreams, in the shower, or even through messages in a book, show or from a random acquaintance.

When you ask about this message your body feels light and airy or it feels heavy and daunting. Listen to how you feel.

We don’t need the news, propaganda, social media or anyone else giving us our answers.

Go within. You have the answers you seek.
This not only works with life guidance, it can also work with your business when you are choosing which path to take, what clients align with you, and what creative endeavors to take on.


Carol Lawrence Publications

Best Selling Co-Author,  Coach, Small Business Owner And Conscious Parenting Mentor
Soul To Soul, Intentional Conscious Parenting & Social Media Help 4 U