Facebook made a recent announcement. They are cleaning up the news feed. Page owners need to be aware of the three most recent changes.
“The goal of News Feed is to deliver the right content to the right people at the right time so they don’t miss the stories that are important and relevant to them.” Erich Owens & Chris Turitzin
Three changes you need to know about.
1. The days of asking your fans to share, like and comment on your page are over. This is considered Like-baiting. It’s okay to genuinely encourage discussion just don’t blatantly ask for it, especially over and over. For example: There are some pages that will share a sad picture of a child who survived cancer and ask the viewers to like their page in support for the child. The child has nothing to do with their page. It’s a random picture they took off the internet to bait people to like their content.
2. Facebook is encouraging new content. They don’t want to see pages uploading the same content over and over again. Repeated content is less relevant and has generated complaints.
3. No spammy links. This fits into ethical business and authentic business. Never share content about something in particular and slip in a spammy link to somewhere totally irrelevant to your update. Unethical page owners frequently try and get people to click through to a website that contains only ads.
So is the old saying, “Content is King” making a come back? Content obviously matters. Fresh content that is.