Life has been moving along at full speed. Luckily there are special times in our lives that help us to take time to smell the roses. My 45th birthday was one of those times. There’s nothing I love more than getting together with family and friends. Here’s a snapshot of my 45th Birthday celebration.
I had so much fun Saturday celebrating my 45th Birthday with family and friends. We listened to music, checked in on our local college football game, enjoyed a camp fire and played board games. My special Sunflower birthday cake was custom designed with love by the La Puma Baking company. My god daughter Sarah and her husband Joe, who is a fifth generation master baker are taking orders for the holiday season! Hint, Hint!
Some of the games we love to play are Taboo, Pictionary and Apples to Apples. A friend brought over a new game called Quelf. At first we were hesitant but then decided to give it a try.
Quelf is nonstop out of control fun. Word of caution. I recommend playing it with people you are comfortable around. We had to do crazy things like sing Opera to the team on the left, act out three mimes, guess hilarious trivia questions and more. We really liked this game. We play games all the time and this one made the “must have” list. We had a wonderful evening of fun. Eventually the kids all tired out and most of the company went home but there was a handful of us that played until 1 in the morning until we couldn’t laugh anymore! I’m a lucky lady. I have an incredible husband who I’ve been married to for 27 years and counting, 2 incredible loving loyal sons, family that loves me and friends who might as well be be sisters and brothers, who are definitely part of my soul pod and clients I love to serve. Life is special. Don’t waste it. Surround yourself with people who make you happy.
Thank you my beautiful family and friends. You make my world go round! Thanks for celebrating with me all weekend long, dinner with mom on Friday, party on Saturday and a special dinner on Sunday to celebrate my oldest son Tony’s girlfriend Ashley’s birthday. Us Libra’s must stick together!